"As for the meaning of Myoho-renge-kyo: The Buddha nature inherent in us, ordinary people; the Buddha nature of Brahma-, Shakra, and the other deities; the Buddha nature of Sha-riputra, Maudgalya-yana, and the other voice-hearers; the Buddha nature of Manjushri-, Maitreya, and the other bodhisattvas; and the Mystic Law that is the enlightenment of the Buddhas of the three existences, are one and identical. This principle is called Myoho-renge-kyo."
From Gosho "Those Initially Aspiring to the Way" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 887)
From Gosho "Those Initially Aspiring to the Way" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 887)