"At the time of his extinction, the World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment lamented, “Now I am about to enter nirvana. The only thing that worries me is King Ajatashatru.” Bodhisattva Kashyapa then asked him, “Since the Buddha’s mercy is impartial, your regret in dying should stem from compassion for all living beings. Why do you single out only King Ajatashatru?” The Buddha replied, “Suppose that a couple has seven children, one of whom falls ill. Though the parents love all their children equally, they worry most about the sick child.” [...] To the Buddha, all living beings are his children. Among them, the sinful man who slays his own parents and becomes an enemy of the Buddha and the sutras is like the sick child."
From Gosho "Winter Always Turns to Spring" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 535)
From Gosho "Winter Always Turns to Spring" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 535)