"Unfilial children, however, are not allowed to succeed their parents. King Yao had an heir named Tan Chu, and King Shun had a prince named Shang Chün. As both sons were lacking in filial piety, they were disowned by their respective fathers and demoted to the rank of commoners. Ch’ung-hua and Yü were the children of commoners, but both were extremely filial. Hearing of this, King Yao and King Shun summoned Ch’ung-hua and Yü, and abdicated their thrones to them. Commoners became royalty in a day. Just as a commoner can become a king in this present life, so can an ordinary person become a Buddha instantly. This is the heart of the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life."
From Gosho "Letter to the Sage Nichimyo" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, pages 323-324)
From Gosho "Letter to the Sage Nichimyo" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, pages 323-324)