"Every being, from the highest sage on down to the smallest mosquito or gnat, holds life to be its most precious possession. To deprive a being of life is to commit the gravest kind of sin. When the Thus Come One appeared in this world, he made compassion for living things his basis. And as an expression of compassion for life, to refrain from taking life and to provide sustenance for living beings are the most important precepts. In providing another with sustenance, one obtains three kinds of benefit. First, one sustains one’s own life. Second, one brings color to one’s face. Third, one gains strength."
From Gosho "The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 667)
From Gosho "The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 667)