"A wisteria vine, by twining around a pine, may climb a thousand fathoms into the air; and a crane, because it has its wings to rely upon, can travel ten thousand ri. It is not their own strength that allows them to do these things. This applies likewise in the case of the priest Jibu-bo. Though he himself is like the wisteria vine, because he clings to the pine that is the Lotus Sutra, he is able to ascend the mountain of perfect enlightenment. Because he has the wings of the single vehicle to rely upon, he can soar into the sky of Tranquil Light. With wings such as these, he is a priest who can bring comfort to not only his parents and his grandfather and grandmother, but also all his relatives down to the seventh generation. How fortunate a woman you are to possess this fine jewel of a grandson."
From Gosho "On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 820-821)
From Gosho "On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 820-821)