"I will teach you how to become a Buddha easily. Teaching another something is the same as oiling the wheels of a cart so that they turn even though it is heavy, or as floating a boat on water so that it moves ahead easily. The way to become a Buddha easily is nothing special. It is the same as giving water to a thirsty person in a time of drought, or as providing fire for a person freezing in the cold. Or again, it is the same as giving another something that is one of a kind, or as offering something as alms to another even at the risk of oneĆ¢??s life."
From Gosho "The Wealthy Man Sudatta" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 1086)
From Gosho "The Wealthy Man Sudatta" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Volume I, page 1086)