"My resolution is now immovable. Determined to endure any hardship, I have fulfilled the Buddha’s prediction, and I have not the slightest doubt. [...] Never have I cared what happens to me personally. I promised that, no matter what might befall me, I would maintain my faith without regressing, and if I became a Buddha, I would lead all of you to enlightenment. You have less knowledge of Buddhism than I, and moreover, you are lay believers with lands, wives and children, and retainers. Therefore, it may be extremely difficult for you to sustain your faith throughout life. This is why I have always told you that, because of your position, it would be better to feign ignorance of this teaching. No matter what may happen in the future, be assured that I will never forsake or neglect you."
From Gosho "Letter to Misawa" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 896)
From Gosho "Letter to Misawa" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 896)